Frequently Asked Questions!

What made you want to start making art?

I’ve always been good at drawing and painting but what made me start taking it seriously was me thinking about my own mortality. Growing up I’ve always believed that I didn’t deserve to be born and that I was a mistake, but I couldn’t bear the thought of not existing nor living with no purpose. At some point I decided to become so great that my name will live on forever and people will have no choice but to acknowledge my existence. I chose to do that through art.

What are your inspirations as an artist?

There’s a few…

I am greatly inspired by artists such as; Pablo Picasso, Vincent Van Gogh, Salvador Dali, Tyler D. Ballon, and Justin Wadlington. These are all artists who I respect and can openly admit that they’re a better artist than myself. With that being said… I will surpass all of them.

I am inspired by the differences that I have made in other people’s lives. My artwork speaks to people and so many of those people have reached out to me and told me that my art saved their lives or has changed them for the better. I like helping people and being there when they need me most.

I am inspired by my endless potential and my thoughts about the future. One day I’m not going to be here but my artwork will be, so it’s exciting to think about where my art will be and what type of impact it will have made in the world.

What’s your favorite medium to use?

Drawing with charcoal is my absolute favorite! There’s just something Iconic about me making beautiful art pieces in B&W and the tone it sets for the overall concept of the piece.

How long have you been an artist professionally?

That’s a good question, haha! I started featuring in galleries and shows during my junior year of high school when I was 17 but then started selling my work the beginning of my senior year. I would like to think it’s been a good 4 years since then.

In what ways has your art benefited the community?

I’m not sure if it’s benefited the community at all to be completely honest. For better or worse I create art that sparks conversations and causes people to think on matters they may be not familiar with by giving a new perspective. I believe that at the end of the day I’m just an artist, not a hero, nor an activist.

Do you have a preferred style?

I use to really enjoy surrealism but as I grew as an artist I’m not completely sure what category my work would fall under. I most definitely like to explore different styles just to better myself as an artist but I don’t venture far from my own personal style because I want my audience to know that I made the piece without having to look at the name on the label.

How long does it take you to finish an art piece?

It varies depending on the size of the piece but I primarily work with 22x30 inch paper and that can easily take up to 50+ hours.